As I'm sure some of you already know, Tycho is and has been a massive inspiration to me. Ever since hearing them for the first time I've just been in awe of their music, and they've more or less been the soundtrack to my time in Northern Minnesota since moving here.
Due to how much I look up to what they're doing, as a fun project a while back I decided to try and make a song that sounds like Tycho. Though I only set out to do it to as a fun break from what I was working on and had no intent of releasing it, I ended up liking it much more than I thought I would. After posting a few clips on Instagram and getting messages from some of you, I decided take the last few steps with it and finish it up.
It's not something I'm comfortable officially releasing because I don't consider it "my" song (plus without an explanatory post like this there isn't a great way to convey that it was simply a fun project made out of admiration, not me trying to rip them off and pass it as my own). That said, putting up a download on here so those of you that want it can grab it seemed like a good solution.
Anyway, hopefully you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed working on it. Should have some new music out soon!